Sunday, 4 November 2012

Wind Farm Noise News

parliamentary information office: Because of wind farms, Germany is going flat out to build 16 new coal-fired and 15 new gas-fired power stations by 2020.

Wind farms don't replace carbon sources of energy. If any country relied on wind farms for energy they'd collapse.

The UK just doesn't have the land available to plant the size of wind farms necessary, and if you don't plant them close to areas of consumption you get pylons added to the cost.

For the UK offshore is best but most countries are going off them due to problems and cost of connecting to the grid and maintenance and engineering difficulties. Salt water and metal don't mix well.

parliamentary information office: Why is it, that whenever you drive past a wind farm, half the turbines are not turning? same for small turbine installations you see on the landscape - a significant number arent even turning. If wind farms are so beneficial for the energy economy, why are they still?

parliamentary information office: A few years ago where I live in rural Lancashire, a farm applied for planning permission to have two huge wind turbines erected. The "entire valley" were up in arms about it, and it was rejected at the planning permission stage as it would be a blight on the landscape and reduce the value of the houses (farms bought out by rich townies).
Now, a few years on... most of these rural loving urbanite farm houses have sprouted their own "mini" turbines of 20m in height... funny how these are not a blot on the landscape, nor reduce the value of their homes!
So next time a large wind turbine application comes along... I hope it succeeds.

parliamentary information office: "Wind farm noise does harm sleep and health, say scientists" Which scientists? I recall a scientist at Rice University (Houston USA) that published 'independent research' pushing fracking. Opps the author had a number of grants from the industy and a vested, big money, interest in the process. So follow the money and then tell me who has what ax to sharpen in this publication? Recall you get what you inspect not what you expect

I have friends that have both 'grass hopper' oil pumps and wind generators on their land. Noise does not seem to bother them a bit.

When asked about the noise the responce was 'that's the sound of money in the bank son'. And no there is no perceptible increase in ambient noise level inside their home.

Texas had a cold snap a few years back. Some of the coal fired plants froze (yea makes no sense but bean counters do dump things). In any case wind power picked up the slack and the state made out ok.

We had, for over 20 years, a place in the Appalachian Mountains (E KY/ W NC USA) that was 100% off grid using alternative energy. Break even was ~ 5 years the other 15 years were free/gravy. Need I mention we sold for a premium due to the alternative energy options.

My kids inherited a partial interest in a wind farm. Since then they have paid, on average, $0 for electricity at their homes as the state has a net billing law.

So tell me again exactly how unreliable wind energy is?

BTW ~ 10% of the annual electrical energy use in Texas is generated by wind.

As to 'environmentally destructive' recall the spectacular damage of the BP oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico? (which is still with us BTW). I ask you what is the sound of a wind energy rig when it craters? If over water ... splash. If over land ... thud. All with no down stream damage or environmental clean up needed.

Gather the more politics information from parliamentary information office.

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