Saturday, 10 November 2012

Saluate to Our Warrior

parliamentary information office: British forces have no right to be in several places where they currently are. We kid ourselves if we think that British and US forces are a welcome presence. If the British remove themselves then the Armed forces can be dramatically reduced in size. Britain's place in the world is shrinking quickly and its citizens need to realise this.

parliamentary information office:

It is a VERY dangerous World.

Putin is rearming the Red Army. Putin is emotionally and mentally unstable.

Iran will have a nuclear capability soon and there is NO person of worth in the Western world to stand against the insanity of the mullahs.

Militant Islam is deeply rooted in European society and its hostile intentions are extremely dangerous. A West versus Islam war is already in progress.

A weak and leaderless USA, a socialist and vapid EU and a massively powerful China who has the EU in its pocket.

It is that awful mix of weakness and terrible strength which is the precursor of major conflict.

Cameron the UK needs a strong Defence capability. Yes your French chums have told you to "leave it to them." Yes they want to dominate EU Defence.

You - Cameron are just the idiot seeking a village that they need.

parliamentary information office: The state of our armed forces is fast becoming a national disgrace.  Our myopic, self seeking and incapable politicians fail to see the potential rising threat from the far east.  As we mortgage our future and lower our defences the Chinese are building a massive and increasingly technically capable maritime force.  When American or French aircraft carries ply the waters near our shores we take no notice, they are welcome, our friends.  Will we feel the same in a decade or so when Chinese battle groups are doing the same?  I think not.  By then it will be too late.  Military hardware and the research required to keep us ahead of the curve is not made in a year or two.  The Uk and Europe must be fully aware of the potential threat of a militaristic China, possibly working with Russia and prepare accordingly.  As much as I do not like the EU the pragmatist in me begins to think a common European military may be the only option.

parliamentary information office: We live in a world of diminishing resources and in which the population is rising out of control.

Very soon those without are going to come and try to take it from those who have it. Not because they are warmongers but because they have no alternatives.

As an island nation we need a strong navy and a lot of ships. As it stands we can't even patrol our own waters.

Most people who have not experienced one of the world wars believe that another is impossible. In real terms this is far from the truth. Since 1945 there has not been a world war but virtually every country has been involved with a war against another country. To believe that it is possible to exist with a feeble military is ignorance and sooner rather than later a country with a massive military will decide that life would be much better if it had a lot more land and resources.

For instance, what would we do if China went on the rampage. It already has a navy almost the size of the Americans? Start calling up the reserves I suppose and close all Chinese restaurants.

And as we started to call up our young for military service we would see those originating from foreign lands disappearing back to them in all haste.

Of all the luxuries we have ever had, a strong military has been one of them. Our presence in so many foreign countries ensured plenty of business for our industries and political power.

Today, the only way Cameron can get attention is by giving our money away and even then he never receives a thank you for it.

At the beginning of WWll we were not ready for it and desperately had to start training troops and airman, the latter of which went off to fight experienced German pilots often with less that 15 hours of flying experience. This is one of the reason our losses were so great.

Cuts in the military may be a good thing one day but certainly not in the times we live in.

But who can possibly argue with someone educated at Eton!

Move towards parliamentary information office.

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