Saturday, 17 November 2012

News Updates Discussion

Parliamentary Diary: Look at the incompetent Pickles' changes to the Planning Regs !
He "threw away" (supposedly) 900 pages, but has secretly added back about 100, plus there have been massive quantities of web and e-mail text going around trying to clarify the issues, with legal challenges pending !
I am sure that at the end of the day the regs will be smaller, BUT the process has been a disaster and wasted huge amounts of time and effort, with many ( ? most ? ) planning consultants and planning lawyers predicting many more appeals and judicial reviews.
So Pickles has messed up, and what was predicted has come to pass AND YET Cameron and co wants to continue the farce !
IF one wants to reduce red tape then you have to go back to basics and re-write from the bottom up  -  this government is too incompetent to order that done.

Parliamentary Diary: Strong on words but light on action just about sums this coalition up and Milibands lots no better either.
Pickles is power light, Mays hands are bound by europe and Osbornes in thrall to the city and to top it all Camerons got his weather eye on EU Statesmanship further down the line by selling the UK  down the EU river at the first opportunity.
Most of those in westminster can only efficiently (illegally) fill out their own expences forms to fleece the public still further, so basically its bugger the public at every end and turn and they wonder why were not interested in their PCC policys, green agenda's and whatever other fleece the public scams they've got planned for us dreamed up by news international no doubt and communicated at the bilderberg secret meetings.
A plague on all their houses.

More updates at Parliamentary Information Office - Parliamentary Yearbook

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