Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Popularity Increased

Parliamentary Yearbook Shares: From Europe to immigration from  grammar schools to NHS to mention only four of UKIP's policies they represent the views of a large part of the British people many of whom once voted conservative. Though unlikely to form a major force in parliament after the next election they will likely inflict enough damage to ensure the Tories lose, leaving the country back in the hands of labour who caused a large part of our present problems last time  they were in power.For Cameron to stand any chance of winning he would be well advised to leave the ivory tower of Downing street and follow the UKIP line.

Parliamentary Yearbook Shares: I'm wondering if old Vincie boy will see sense and wonder why the electorate are turning away from his mamby pamby policies and getting their teeth into real issues:- lets get this country back on it's feet and put the GREAT back into Great Britain.

For more knowledge read parliamentary information office resource

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