Monday, 31 December 2012

Modernisers of the Party

Parliamentary Yearbook Shares Information: The Conservative Party's biggest mistake was to be hoodwinked into allowing a so called modernisation. From that time on it lost its backbone and became just another social democratic liberal shambles.

Parliamentary Yearbook Shares Information: As somebody who has voted Tory more than any other party down the years; it should come as a shock that when the next local let alone nation elections occur I will be voting Ukip. That is something I would never have considered doing before. To me that party is now the mainstream if polarized alternative to the Marxist dispensation ahead of us. The Tories have become an irrelevance. 

Detailed topics shared at parliamentary information office

Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Honours System

Parliamentary Yearbook Shares Information: There is a process for considering who "merits" an award.  Should there not be an official "devil's advocate" to scrutinize all those recommended for an award, especially when it comes to Knighthoods and peerages?

Another point, why does the "ultimate" award (a peerage) automatically lead the recipient into the legislature?  Should peerages not be in two classes, one involving elevation to the Lords and one simply being an award for services?

My own preference of course is to dump the whole shitty system, including gallantry awards.

Parliamentary Yearbook Shares Information: The honours system needs to be greatly reformed. The sheer number of honours doled out needs to reduced by about 90% and the decision as to who gets them needs to be removed from the hands of the most corrupt group of people in the country - politicians.

Oh and the right of recipients of certain honours to a life long seat in parliament certainly needs to be reformed.

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Monday, 24 December 2012

Health and Safety

Parliamentary Yearbook Shares: Daft regulations are not the exclusive property of H&S or its followers. I would mention the electrical regulations which effectively make it illegal even for those with a lifetime of engineering to wire up their own house (unless of course they spend a few grand to get a bit of paper that says they can, or pay some lesser qualified jobsworth to sign off the work).

Parliamentary Yearbook Shares: Health and Safety Executive doesn't take a look at public travel conditions and overcrowding on the underground and commuter lines into London. They'd have a field day if they were really serious about H and S.

More links shared at parliamentary information office

Thursday, 20 December 2012


Parliamentary Yearbook Shares: One of the main reasons Dave did not command a majority was smart politics from Brown. Brown, through the tax credits system and the bloated public sector, created a large chunk of society reliant on the state for all or part of their income. Once it was clear this was threatened they were never going to vote Tory.

Parliamentary Yearbook Shares: The key question is this: who is more in tune with the views of the majority of the people, Cameron or his backbenchers? I would unequivocally say that it is the backbenchers, so how can they, rather than Cameron, be the problem?

Cameron deserves everything he gets and the Tory Party will deserve its election defeat if it does not get rid of him before the next election.

parliamentary information office - parliamentary diary articles

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Popularity Increased

Parliamentary Yearbook Shares: From Europe to immigration from  grammar schools to NHS to mention only four of UKIP's policies they represent the views of a large part of the British people many of whom once voted conservative. Though unlikely to form a major force in parliament after the next election they will likely inflict enough damage to ensure the Tories lose, leaving the country back in the hands of labour who caused a large part of our present problems last time  they were in power.For Cameron to stand any chance of winning he would be well advised to leave the ivory tower of Downing street and follow the UKIP line.

Parliamentary Yearbook Shares: I'm wondering if old Vincie boy will see sense and wonder why the electorate are turning away from his mamby pamby policies and getting their teeth into real issues:- lets get this country back on it's feet and put the GREAT back into Great Britain.

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Saturday, 15 December 2012

Opinion on Pension Plan

Parliamentary Yearbook Shares: What is so " fiendishly complicated" about an earnings related pension. I paid in to SERPS for many years. The government knew how much I had paid in and now gives me an increased pension.

It sounds as though people who have not yet retired will lose what they have already paid in. An insurance company cannot do that, why should the government. It's downright theft.

Oh I forgot - it's all in the cause of "simplification"

Parliamentary Yearbook Shares: A worse injustice is being perpetrated on lower paid workers who have a  small pension pot and are due to retire before the changes take place. As the new pension will not be means tested, these savers will see people who have only 30 years contributions but not put one penny aside into a pension all their lives receive £140 . However, if their small pot only gives them an annuity of in the region  of £1,000 a year they will have paid in longer and saved to get less than someone retiring later. A huge injustice, far worse than hitting the rich.

Other Online parliamentary information office Review

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Parliamentary Yearbook Shares

Parliamentary Yearbook Shares: I was delighted to receive this excellent publication which was well researched and a pleasure to read. It is particularly useful to have as a research tool as it offers a comprehensive and thoroughly up-to-date review of British industry and politics. LM (dip service)

Parliamentary Information Office is near you.

Monday, 10 December 2012

DNA Database

Parliamentary Information Diary: A fundamental question that isn't addressed is 'who owns your DNA ?'.
Forgive my cynicism but after the struggle I had to get the NHS to treat my cancer, any proposal that they might want my DNA to actively seek to treat my cancer, quite hilarious.
What safeguards would there be as to where my DNA fragments might go, and what would  I be told about how cloned fragments are used ?
You only have to see how DNA fragments are currently being used to realise that your DNA is a valuable resource, but one that could be put to some very strange uses.
Of course, if anything untoward happens, who does it trace back to ?
"I'm a genetic scientist - trust me", doesn't carry much weight any more.

Parliamentary Information Diary: A DNA database without details of illness and treatment is valueless. It cannot therefore be anonymised and, indeed, no scientist could resist mapping health progression against DNA.
It's the difference between science and recording car numbers (a common past time of children from my youth performed for no logical reason).The concept is faulty or more likely deceitful in essence. Your DNA alone tells scientists nothing and it is only by knowing other information that conclusions and assumptions can be drawn.It's pathetic to make a proposal that must, by deduction, be a lie.They should map the DNA of the person who made this statement in an attempt to discover the source of human idiocy. This could be of value.

Friday, 7 December 2012

Parliamentary Yearbook

Parliamentary Yearbook Online: Derbyshire Fire & Rescue Service is one of 6 services that have been selected for inclusion within this year’s Parliamentary Yearbook that will include a feature on ‘Excellence in Fire and Rescue’. The

other services are Kent, Merseyside, London, West Yorkshire and Cambridgeshire. This will help to enhance our growing reputation.

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Discussion Towards Employment Protections

Parliamentary Information Diary: some people have feelings,morals,sympathy and understanding of the ordinary guy on the street.Not every rich employer wants to shaft the hard working people,because guess what ?Most worked their way up.Not like your ilk who never did a days work in their life,nor tried to run our once glorious country with just a history degree, bought by daddy, to their name! Your a disgrace of a government,polls say your the worse ever chancellor and dodgy Dave the worst PM.How could a bunch of  ex Eton schoolboys run the country,run it into the ground more like!

Parliamentary Information Diary: So a proposal for a new entry on your CV to be 'Willing to work with no employment protection.' was rejected by HR employees? What a surprise.

Parliamentary Information Office

Saturday, 1 December 2012

Discussion on General Election

Parliamentary Information Diary: when all that's necessary is the simple truth, maybe something in the
  political creed, never tell the truth when a lie will suffice.
  If Cameron had played a straight bat to kick off with by now he
  would have been halfway through a rocky but meaningful leadership and
  heading for another full term, he just could not keep under wraps
  his pro E.U feelings any longer, self inflicted wound, dishonorable
  discharge required.

Parliamentary Information Diary: Complete waste of time and money: these are precisely the policies most likely to alienate Tory voters. To get the northern C1s, the Tories need Thatcheresque policies; that is what got them that vote in the firs instance.

Osborne is the unacceptable face of the party, and putting him in charge of an election campaign is a recipe for disaster.

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