Parliamentary Yearbook Shares Information: The Conservative Party's biggest mistake was to be hoodwinked into allowing a so called modernisation. From that time on it lost its backbone and became just another social democratic liberal shambles.
Parliamentary Yearbook Shares Information: As somebody who has voted Tory more than any other party down the years; it should come as a shock that when the next local let alone nation elections occur I will be voting Ukip. That is something I would never have considered doing before. To me that party is now the mainstream if polarized alternative to the Marxist dispensation ahead of us. The Tories have become an irrelevance.
Detailed topics shared at parliamentary information office
Parliamentary Yearbook Shares Information: As somebody who has voted Tory more than any other party down the years; it should come as a shock that when the next local let alone nation elections occur I will be voting Ukip. That is something I would never have considered doing before. To me that party is now the mainstream if polarized alternative to the Marxist dispensation ahead of us. The Tories have become an irrelevance.
Detailed topics shared at parliamentary information office
It's the difference between science and recording car numbers (a common past time of children from my youth performed for no logical reason).The concept is faulty or more likely deceitful in essence. Your DNA alone tells scientists nothing and it is only by knowing other information that conclusions and assumptions can be drawn.It's pathetic to make a proposal that must, by deduction, be a lie.They should map the DNA of the person who made this statement in an attempt to discover the source of human idiocy. This could be of value.