Sunday, 27 January 2013

Parliamentary Yearbook Shares Information: New Plans for Childcare Workers

Parliamentary Yearbook Shares Information: What about all the childminders and classroom assistants? There is no nursery near the local primary school so a good few of the unqualified women with several children who couldn't find work have simply taken to being 'childminders' or classroom assistants instead!

Parliamentary Yearbook Shares Information: Basic English is fair enough, given the large number of people now here where English is their second language.

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Thursday, 24 January 2013

Parliamentary Yearbook Shares Information: Inventions and Breakthroughs

Parliamentary Yearbook Shares Information: It's not just about investment; ownership matters too.

Most of 'our' major companies are foreign-owned and they be repatriate their profits and pay virtually no corporation tax within the UK.

Parliamentary Yearbook Shares Information: Most of the inventions originating here are generating profits for foreign companies.

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Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Parliamentary Yearbook Shares Information

Parliamentary Yearbook Shares Information: The Parliamentary Yearbook includes a major Lobbying section giving organisations the opportunity to air a view or make statements to members of both Houses. And this is in keeping with the ethos of our democracy … the Parliamentary Public Administration Select Committee acknowledged that “The practice of lobbying in order to influence political decisions is a legitimate and necessary part of the democratic process”. But it does of course have to be done in a correct way … and this is where the Parliamentary Yearbook comes in, giving organisations the opportunity to express opinion and present reasoned argument to the Government of the day.

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Monday, 21 January 2013

Parliamentary Yearbook

Parliamentary Yearbook: Parliamentary updates on blog, forums, social links, articles, press releases.

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Thursday, 17 January 2013

Discussion on New Free Degree Plan

Parliamentary Yearbook Shares Information: Have the SNP explained exactly how they plan to pay for the massive influx of students from the rest of the UK who'll come here to study for free after independence?

And have they explained how they'll help all the Scottish students who'll miss out on a university place due to that influx?

Parliamentary Yearbook Shares Information: Free tuition fees, large numbers of people spending money in the Scottish economy, increase in universities, more employment. Setting it within the constitution gives investors security. This can only be good for Scotland and after independence, good for the rest of the UK as well.

Saturday, 12 January 2013

Bus Pass Benefit for Pensioners

Parliamentary Yearbook Shares Information: How  in times of recession and cuts, can rich people claim this, have they no integrity? Just because they're entitled doesn't mean it's morally right to do this.  The money saved can go to relieve the burden elsewhere! The rich clearly are not all in it together with the most deserving, except when they get something out of it!

Parliamentary Yearbook Shares Information: Any pensioners with a household income of  £30,000 does not need a bus pass, free tv licence, or winter fuel allowance.
If they protest that they do, they are either greedy, or living beyond their means. 

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Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Child Benefit Changes

Parliamentary Yearbook Shares Information: We'll not get anywhere with this debate until we accept that bringing up children is a job and work the same as any other job and work.

Somebody has to do it and it is vital for the future of the country that it is done and done well.

It's really time that we started taxing employees on their profit, rather than their turnover. Childcare could then be an allowable expense.

Parliamentary Yearbook Shares Information:The general view held by many political leaders, is for the state to look after our children. They think institutions can look after our children better than parents can, and that mothers of young children are more productive paying taxes instead of bringing up young children.

There are many women who choose to work to pay for childcare and other expenses, but in my view, they shouldn't HAVE to.

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Saturday, 5 January 2013

Planning Reforms

Parliamentary Yearbook Shares Information: The liberal establishment want to industrialise and destroy the countryside because it is seen as a stronghold of conservative values. This is also the reason Labour produces so many anti-family policies.

Parliamentary Yearbook Shares Information: What is also unsatisfactory is industrial noise sending out waves of vibration like drilling for oil or generators and windfarm low frequency noise spoiling the rural and suburban areas especially in the still of  night

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Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Gold Plated Pensions

Parliamentary Yearbook Shares Information: let's remember that the average local government pension is hardly gold-plated - about £4,500 a year.

As in private business, it is the fat cats at the top who are licking the cream; salaries of £200K and golden handshakes of £500K before walking straight into another council job.  So, take a good look at that instead of chasing ordinary workers!

Parliamentary Yearbook Shares Information: Well in that case they need to contribute more, cut their pensions or take less in wages and stop scrounging off the rest of us like inefficient freeloaders who pull too many sickies and have too much paid holiday.

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